Living in Marlborough

Marlborough is unique for many reasons. One major reason is that one-fifth of the New Zealand coastline is in the Marlborough Sounds. Oh, and the wine is also pretty good!

Real people choose to live here –people who love wine, water and wilderness, and genuinely value the way-of-life. It is a cool and connected community to live in.

A few unique facts:

  • New Zealand’s largest grape growing and wine making region - 168 wineries, 568 grape growers and about 24,000 hectares in grape production (2014 figures) and 36 cellar doors.
  • Home to the world’s best WW1 aviation museum, the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre, a collaborative project between passionate Marlburians, Sir Peter Jackson, and Weta Workshop.
  • Mount Tapuae-o-Uenuku or “Tappy” as he called it in the Awatere Valley, was Sir Edmund Hillary’s first major climb, a pathway that ultimately took him to Mount Everest.
  • D’Urville Island in the Marlborough Sounds is New Zealand’s third largest island.
  • Unemployment is lower than the national average.
  • One of New Zealand’s most vibrant and successful regional economies - from tourism to aeronautical engineering.
  • Often the sunniest place in New Zealand, Marlborough has about 2400 sunshine hours per year with a mean daily max temp in summer 23.8C.
  • Queen Charlotte Track is 70km from start to finish for walkers and mountain-bikers.
  • Thirty schools in the region, including two large single sex secondary schools.

Marlborough Gallery

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